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Plot Twist: We're Moving to Ohio

Skyler Gerald

When we moved to Charlotte for seminary, we had no immediate intentions to return to Ohio. It wasn't that we didn't want to be in Ohio but we felt strongly that the Lord was calling us to go to seminary and so this would be a great opportunity to go on an adventure, trust the Lord, and start a story that we could call our own. I'm glad we did that. A lot of my friends know that RTS is a dream school for me. When I was at Moody and I started to think about seminary, I had my sights on RTS and that never shifted. I wanted to study under Mike Kruger, Kevin DeYoung, and James Anderson. I've been able to learn under them and many other phenomenal professors with a commitment to reformed theology and a passionate heart for the church. We also had the privilege of attending Hope Community Church (one of the many PCA churches in Charlotte). I will forever be impacted by the preaching and leadership there.

However, things are changing.

The Lord has opened a door for ministry at South Dayton Presbyterian Church in Centerville, OH. We will be moving back to Ohio next moth and I will be starting as the Director of Youth & Family Discipleship. It's so exciting!

Right now I'm at a unique juncture where I am rejoicing in these next stage of ministry and being able to be close to family (especially with our little one on the way) while simultaneously mourning the departure from Charlotte and the future I thought we would have here. It was not an easy decision and we wrestled with it for quite some time during the interview process but we have received a great deal of peace in this decision and we're excited to see what this has in store for us.

Please pray for our family as we make this transition and pray for the students at South Dayton Presbyterian Church.


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